iSpy How to make .ig files for iSpy using CMSSW

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The following applies to CMSSW version 3_1_x or later

iSpy reads "ig files" containing event and detector data. These are created by running standard CMSSW analyzers, as follows:


1) Set-up your environment for CMSSW release X_Y_Z:

For csh:


For sh:

2) Check out sources and build:
for CMSSW releases before 3_10_x
project CMSSW
cvs co -r preCMSSW_3_10 ISpy/Services 
cvs co -r preCMSSW_3_10 ISpy/Analyzers
scram b
for CMSSW releases after 3_10_x
project CMSSW
cvs co -r use_zlib ISpy/Services 
cvs co -r use_zlib ISpy/Analyzers
scram b
3a) Run the test analyzer to make an .ig file from real data:
cmsRun ISpy/Analyzers/python/
3b) Use iSpy with your custom configuration file:
You only need to add the iSpy path to your process:
process.p1 = cms.Path(process.iSpy_sequence)


Produce files from shell script
Alternatively, Jinzhong Zhang has created a bash script that can:
  • Install the Analyzers
  • Produce the ig files from a specified dataset (and run and lumi range)
  • Filter on an HLT
  • Publish the resulting ig files in a storage element such as CASTOR
The script can be viewed here. One can fetch the script from CVS with the following command:
cvs co -r use_zlib ISpy/Analyzers/